Doing the Power Cord Thing

Hey everyone,

So as you all know, I'm a DIY kind of guy when it comes to cables and speakers. I'll be building a new power cable using affordable parts from Parts Connexion and DH Labs:


They'll look nice, at least! :)

Testing will occur on the very last, new, Luxman 507ux in the United States.Will I hear anything at all? Or will this be just a wasted hour and wasted $100 assembling a cable?
Fine Phillips head and coarse Phillips head? C'mon, Erik. :)
(I think you should try the factory power cord. Mine was very good)
The thread where @builder3 reveals:

  • He is afraid of having nice tools
  • Has no fun
I am saving the factory coord for when I go back to Class D. 😀
Afraid of having nice tools? That's your takeaway? (I have tons of very nice tools) Phillips screwdrivers are numbered to denote the different sizes of tips. When you were talking about the wire you used for the power cord you built, did you refer to it as "medium" or "big"?? No..... Hence the C'mon, Erik.
As for the factory cord, I wasn't suggesting that you don't "save it", merely that you "try it".
I have fun. I mean, I haven't named my amp, but I have fun.
Sorry Builder3 I may have misunderstood.

I'm going to leave everything in place for a while, for now I have other priorities and I'd like to spend less time on my hands and knees crawling around the stereo racks. :)


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