Agreed with masilo, all cardas GR",takes alot out this speakers, had all cardas in my set up, just made a small speaker sound big, replaced one of the cardas, from Bam to preamp, Huge diference, better focus, bigger stage, and richer sound, immaging, out of this world,
Silk Worm+, and Omega MIcro 900 on the transport, was the icing on the cake, was thinking about selling speakers, or purchase a new Amp, I'm set now, in an all tube set up, all cardas, kills the sound of this speakers,
if just one good cable where used at the Shows,
probably would won 90 best of show, intead of 70,
My humble oppinion:
Silk Worm+, and Omega MIcro 900 on the transport, was the icing on the cake, was thinking about selling speakers, or purchase a new Amp, I'm set now, in an all tube set up, all cardas, kills the sound of this speakers,
if just one good cable where used at the Shows,
probably would won 90 best of show, intead of 70,
My humble oppinion: