Can one ever be "done" in this hobby?

I would like to think I am pretty much in audio nirvana right now but supremely well aware how quickly that can change to audio nervosa!

What do think?

Is it really possible to kick the addiction and be done and just sit back and enjoy the music?

Has anybody managed this trick of the mind?
I thought I was done,stopped reading the magazines and stopped coming on here for several years.But then got the urge to try something new and I'm baaack. I am pretty much done now,retirement means my disposable income is curtailed.I'm happy to read about other's adventures,discover new music,experiment with tweaks.

Really glad you can manage to just read about others and not feel that overwhelming urge to change.

I am getting there.

I feel mostly some tuning and tweaking is the order of the day for a while as I feel I have now managed to assemble a pretty sweet system.

To this end I have some brass cones, some ceramic cones and some lamp glass balls/footers to experiment with under amp and CD player... About $35 total.
There’s a fine line between audio nervosa and just doing what needs to be done. You could even call it housekeeping. Very unstressful. The stress comes when you can’t figure out where to go next or what’s wrong with your system. There’s not enough time left in the world to do what I think needs to be done. If I could explain it to the average bear they’d give me the Nobel prize. Good luck to y’all. 😀 Now, if you’ll please excuse me, I’ve got a plane to catch. A plane going to the future, I only come back here for the breezy chit chat and Wack a Mole. They don’t have audio forums in the future. Talk amongst yourselves. Smoke if ya got em. 
Kaitty, you're excused and please don't come back (my wishful thinking impulse kicked in). Regarding the subject at hand, note the word "hobby." Changing components including cables and tubes or whatever can be FUN, and I, like many, don't change things very often except in my case maybe tubes, and that's because tubes are an inexpensive personal esthetic testing device. Otherwise, my sort of recent switch (couple of years) to a small single ended amp and efficient speakers is working for me, mostly because the music coming at my earballs sounds hobby...
I almost forgot. Nobody said audio nervosa can’t be fun. Think of it like gambling. Sure, it’s an addiction. But it’s fun. Even when you lose it’s still fun.