Tubes or stick with S/S

Right now I have some Cornwall III's that I am happy with. Driven with an McIntosh MC 7106 that works quit well. I am kicking around the idea of buying a PrimaLuna integrated amp, any suggestions? And replacing the McIntosh.
I have a friend who has the older version of the Cornwalls and I’ve heard them extensively driven by a VTL IT-85 and First Watt J2 (using pre-out from VTL) and we both agreed the J2 sounded much better. Another option if you decide to stay with solid state. He had a Line Magnetic integrated before getting the J2. We both felt the J2 sounded more balanced and less fatiguing especially at higher listening levels, contrary to our expectations. 
+1 MillerCarbon  I own a PL Dialogue Integrated....easiest to own tube rig I've ever had and it also sounds great
Tubes all the way to me there is no contest and the PL's look like very nice well made gear.
Tubes and heritage klipsch’s are a match made in heaven. Go tubes. Go with a set tube amp and you will be astounded. Cornwall’s are so efficient you could make them sing w/ a 15wpc set amp.