Opinions and recommendations on active loudspeakers

May need to downsize soon and this seems to be the way to go. Just want to know if anyone thinks this is also the way to go. Also would like some thoughts on which models are worth looking into. Thanks Everyone!!!!!
Legacy Caliber HD or XD with Wavelet delivers great sound, musicality and audiophile grade playback IMHO in a smaller footprint. You can also add subs as I have done. See my virtual system for details and PM me if you want more detail.

Ok canibefrank when you pull just those words out I see my mistake and creating confusion.   Thanks for asking for clarity! 

I meant you have the "ability to control phase" at the crossover points of the system.  There are two adjustment points within the ATC active 3 way amp pack to "control" this phase parameter (at the crossover) so the acoustical sum is now in phase.  You cannot do that with a passive crossover.   This is a huge advantage of any true active system.

Active is an electronic crossover feeding multiple amplifiers that represent each driver in the system.  Active like ATC does it is an electronic 2 or 3 way crossover feeding 2 or 3 Class A/B amplifiers that are fully analog- no DSP used at all.   

This does not apply to a "powered" system (a power amp in front of a passive crossover).  Important distinction, I see some confusion in posts on various forums mixing up "active" and "powered".
Active speakers will break your heart when the plate amp fails. Then you'll prolly have to throw it away unless you know how to repair it.
Active speakers will break your heart when the plate amp fails. Then you'll prolly have to throw it away unless you know how to repair it.

 Huh? I'm not sure why one would through away amplifiers?  Why not repair them?  We have amp packs that have been running 12 hours a day for 15 years+ and still work fine.  Other than replacing dried out capacitors, they rarely go bad.  Brystons or Pass Labs or other amps that are well built don't fail but rarely.  
