A minor correction to something I said in the first of my posts dated 4-27-2019. When I said:
The rest of my post remains as stated, except that the reference to "less than 1/4th of the voltage required to drive the amp to full power ... with the volume control set at max" becomes "less than 1/2 ...." as a result of that correction.
-- Al
Since the power amp only provides balanced inputs, it will interpret 0.567 volts provided to it in single-ended form as 0.567/2 = 0.28 volts.Usually the gains and sensitivities of balanced inputs of a power amp are specified based on the difference in voltage between the two signals on the XLR connector, rather than on the voltage of each of the two signals. And usually the output power that would occur in response to a single-ended 0.567 volt signal provided to a balanced input would be the same as if it were a balanced pair of signals having a difference of 0.567 volts (i.e., each signal being 0.28 volts). A look at a schematic I found for the particular amp adds confidence to that conclusion.
The rest of my post remains as stated, except that the reference to "less than 1/4th of the voltage required to drive the amp to full power ... with the volume control set at max" becomes "less than 1/2 ...." as a result of that correction.
-- Al