Turntable Mat question

I read a turntable Mat comparison which mentioned that although there are many different choices,
some audiophiles will use LP Records as a mat
What is your opinion about this ?
As I said mine came with TWO felt washers, not sure if that is common?
The one I use is half the thickness of the other.

I did try the thicker one but even on a thin flexible record it just did not feel right so back in the drawer that went never to see the Sun again!

Possibly Mitchell realised their original standard washer was maybe too thick for some of the 180 and 200g reissues? Feedback to them from customers possibly?

That would be my best guess.

I have only ever used the thinner one and I truly do not lock it down very hard.
I’ve now had a concept realised! From a slate plinth for my Garrard 401 I had the maker produce a 7.5 mm slate platter mat. Sent one to Noel Keywood to review he kept it! Probably the single best improvement I’ve ever experienced! 
Hey Uber,

I had the Mitchell clamp with the Kenwood KD-500 and the Platter Pad. I put a thin quarter sized washer under the record and cut out a Mitchell clamp sized in diameter piece of 2 mm thick plastic from a larger piece of Tupperware bottom that was flat, so the plastic was a little thicker. I traced the Mitchell clamp onto the Tupperware. I then found a smaller round object that was about I" less in diameter than the clamp and traced the outside of it so it fit perfectly inside the other circle. Both of these circles were then cut out carefully. I then glued the piece of round plastic to the Mitchell clamp and now had a very respectable version of the Sota clamp on the cheap. It clamped every record in my collection. You had to push the clamp down with one hand pretty securely while tightening the knob with the other hand.

It even looked fine, too. Never had the plastic fall off in over 15 years of ownership. It was not a PITA to do on each record and worked great.

@fatboyriding No issues with the weight of the slate platter. You sure it's not 'drying out' the music? 
I don't use clamps, i use record weight on top of the CU-180 copper mat or SAEC SS-300 alloy mat,  and let me vote for Micro Seiki again, because it's just a pure beauty - ST-10 Disc Stabilizer