Ultimate power condotioner

Just moved to a new home and the sound of my system took a huge step toward higher detail.  No new components, or cables. Just a new room and what might be the ultimate power isolation.   I have my own transformer.
fed by an underground 7900 volt line and I’m the only one on it ( farm house) 
so if I turn off the computer and the fridge is not running...nothing  but lighting and my system pulling from it!
dedicated line all the way to the street, so to speak.

that and concrete walls with some room treatment and it’s like I spent big bucks on higher level components. 

Anyone else have similar experience?   
Also any thoughts on the best way to take advantage of the situation?  
Loving the state of things, but always wanting  to learn more.
Wasn't there an article, not too long ago, that told of an eccentric Japanese audiophile who went to great lengths to procure his own power transformer that fed just his house?

Sounds like you lucked out, big time. Enjoy! 👍

All the best,
Actually that sounds more like a normal Japanese audiophile. The eccentric Japanese audiophile would make his transformer from five nines wire hammered out by hand and then wound by hand onto a former made from recycled Hattori Hanzo samurai swords. No on second thought that would still be a normal Japanese audiophile....
Would the Japanese audiophile who ensure the transformer wire was wrapped in the right direction be considered normal or eccentric?  

You are probably the first to say that.
May well be the last too........
