Wilson Sophia 3

Sasha tweeter, new woofer, new M material. Looks promising...

Hi Ritmo,

Friendly question to you, you said you detected coloration with some female voices on the Sophia's? Please eleborate if you could since I placed my Apogee Diva's which championed that department for decades aside acknowledging how well the Wilson's were specifically on vocals.


I listened extensively last weekend to the Sophia 2's. I detected a bit of vocal nasality on severel songs. On a particular CD (Chris Botti - Live in Boston) Chris Mcphee does a wonderful job on a rendition of Sinatra's - I got you under my skin. For some reason, her voice did not sound right. Again, there was an element of 'nasality' present that I never heard on this song before. I tried the same song on the Maxx 3's and this issue was not present.
The sales associate agreed there was some coloration. He said it was probably the room. Could be, but he did not offer to reset them in another room.

Again, at this point, I'm waiting for the 3's.

Hope that helps.

I have the Sophia 2's, has anyone had the opportunity to compare the 2's vs the 3's. Most upgrades seem to be marketing and offer minor sonic changes. If anyone could provide insight into the sonic differences between them I would apreciate it!

I believe they just started shipping the first of June. I doubt we will see an in-depth review on them for awhile. But judging by the differences between the watt puppy 8 and Sasha I would expect the changes made in Sophia 3 to make a bigger sonic changed than Wilson has made in the past (IE. Sophia1-Sophia2).
According to Wilson, the series 3 is more than a just a cosmetic upgrade. New tweeter and midrange drivers are being used -these from the Sasha and the Maxx (I believe). Also, the crossover is also being revised. These changes are siignificant enough that there is no upgrade path for the 2's -which is unfortunate.

Nevertheless, at this point, I might as well wait a bit an listen to the 3's before I finalize my purchase decision.
