So just how much vinyl do YOU own?

Let's hear some numbers!

And when do you think you might have enough to last your lifetime?

Or is it like horsepower ... Too much is never enough!

Do you have regular clearouts or just keep adding until the floorboards start to creak!

All just for fun people!

I admire your dedication and managing to catalog them through Discogs.

It has been on my to-do list ever since an older thread of mine asking how people catalog and sort their vinyl.

However meaning to do it and actually summoning up the enthusiasm and motivation to do so are completely different animals!
I figured you would have more than that as you hardly ever seem to play the same thing twice and are always adding at a rapid pace.

Still one heck of a lot of vinyl and glad you are enjoying them.

2800 or so is still a lot of vinyl but I have trouble trying to picture how much space 14000 records occupied!

I am sure I could not get through that lot in my remaining lifetime.

Glad you found the fortitude to seriously cull! 
Grew up in the 60's and I only have about a hundred LPs. Have about 400 cd's. I don't collect a lot but do listen to them a lot and don't get tired of them.
Uber - I have slowly been cataloguing my collection on Discogs. Going through them all seems a little overwhelming so I just do one or two at a time. After I play something I set it next to my computer and add it to Discogs before I put it away.