Aurender vs. Roon

I would greatly appreciiate any input on something I was told yesterday by a learned audiophile. A) that aurenders conductor app is inferior to roon. That is probably a given. However, I thought Roon will interact with the conductor app. so if that is the case then you can have the best of both worlds.  Also, Roon has better audio quality the Aurender? Aside from that, is the landscape moving toward Roon? Reason I ask is I have been looking at Aurender streamers to purchase and there seems to be more and more of them for sale on Audiogon and US Audio Mart etc. Is it possible Roon Ready devices are going to be the newest frontier so why bother with Aurender if they are not going to support it? Thanks in advance for any insight or suggestions.
Mrdon and Thyname, 

the biggest point here is that OCD hifi guy is looking at a screen shot of a product  and making a determination about it.

This is about as valid a point at looking at a beautiful woman and saying she is going to be fabulous in the sack because she is great looking, she could be great or be just  awful, without direct empirical evidence you are postulating now aren't you?

Or looking at a pretty picture of an expensive amplifier and stating it is going to sound terrific because it looks good.

Proper ettiquette as well as scientific procedure is to get in said product and do a point by point test of its sound quality.

Either the piece performs or it doesn't.

The video is in poor taste because no one in his right mind would just go off on a product without testing it personally and knowing all of the facts about its construction and cost of manufacture and of course its sound quality.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ Innous dealers

Anybody else do what @rbstehno has done?  I'm interested in doing the same, as I have a tricked out mac mini and a PS Audio Direct Stream DAC with a Bridge II for ethernet connection.  The Mac Mini is mid 2011 with a 2.3GHz dual-core Intel Core i5 that I've installed an SSD, 8GB RAM and a linear power supply.  Is that powerful enough to run Roon?  What should I expect for sound quality relative to other options?  Thanks, Peter
The video is harsh, but I kind of get it. Much of computer audio is off-the-shelf standard parts shrink-wrapped for audiophiles allergic to computers. But those linear power supplies do make a difference relative to standard switching power supplies.

I’ve been using a i5 QNAP NAS to host Roon, connected by Ethernet to SOtM endpoints. One the greatest improvements has been to replace the motherboard Ethernet interface on the QNAP with a JCAT Net Card Femto PCIe board powered by an external LPS. The improvement is so remarkable that it makes me wonder if a noisy motherboard-to-ethernet interface is perhaps the weakest link in computer audio.

@grannyring If you still have Neil’s PC-based server, you might compare the Innuos to the PC with a JCAT Femto ethernet card and a SOtM or uRendu EN-to-USB endpoint.  Both JCAT and SOtM also make PCIe USB cards that may improve upon whatever was available when Neil built your PC.
I sold my Music Vault from Neil.  It did have many mods and upgrades including the SOTM usb card, linear poser supply, Audiophile Optimizer, Fidelizer Pro and SOTM usb reclocker. With the SOTM power supply.  

I loved this unit for years. Neil is great. The Innuos Zen III is just more musical to me.  I really like the Innuos! 
Audio Troy,
You mentioned your favorite streamer for sound quality is the Lumin x1.  However, I am considering either the Lumin T2 or an Aurender.  How would you rate the Lumin compared to the closest a Audender model?