Vandersteen 2ce sig ii vs Devore 0/93

Just curious if anyone has heard these two on the same system in the same room. I am guessing the 0/93 would or should be a huge setup up. I am running Atma-Sphere MA-1 silvers and a UV-1 with Bel Canto Dac 3. So power isn’t an issues with the vandies. reason I ask is that I am looking to move up from the 2ce sig ii. Devore and Daedalus is on my radar... 
Thanks everyone... I really appreciate the input. As I always do. Been reading and lurking for many years on here. So much good sound advice.
Pstores we sell none of these loudspeakers but have heard them all.

The Vandy CT are good loudspeakers they are one out of a zillion great louspeakers at that price point.

We will agree that they are a huge step up from the 2 and 3 series.

We have heard Dediilus at a few shows and they really were outstanding in their cabinetry but sonically they didn't move us same with Salk great drivers great cabintery okay sound.

The current Devores are very musical high efficient loudspeakers with stunning cabinetry many people love them.

Just find a few good stores in your area and listen to them. The issue with the mail order speakers is actually being able to demo them.

Devore and Vandy have dealer networks so you should be able to find both of these in stores.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ No dog in this fight
Excellent post!
That's the kind of input that makes these forums useful and interesting.
Prof you are so correct.... Now I am going hijack my own thread... lmao...
   For you Vandie people.... How do you feel about the Magnepan 1.7i’s if you’ve heard them? 
   Thanks again guys this was a great thread with excellent feedback.
A pair of Treo CTs handily beat some Magnapan 20.7s at my local hi-fi shop IMO. More punchy and dynamic