So just how much vinyl do YOU own?

Let's hear some numbers!

And when do you think you might have enough to last your lifetime?

Or is it like horsepower ... Too much is never enough!

Do you have regular clearouts or just keep adding until the floorboards start to creak!

All just for fun people!
Unfortunately none now. Being a minimalist, i already disposed a hundred of them 15 years ago when my grandfather died. Now I can;t help to think that there are things worth keeping.
Looks like rich121 wins or loses depending on your point of view.  Awesome either way.  I also organize by genre and then alphabetical.  My Son is a purist and recommends totally alphabetical but what does he know.  Reminds me of the humor in High Fidelity.
Gee your vinyl records must be real junk if you’re worried about them being a "burden" to your survivors. My family is already fighting over who gets first pick when I kick the bucket.
We downsized our house for a townhome several years back. With that came the necessary “thinning of the herd.” So, around 100-110 LP’s now. Thank heavens for Ebay & Discogs!
One thing I do not have to worry about is my collection being a burden to anybody.

My daughter is also heavily into music, always has been, not much option being in same house as myself Tbh lol.
She has her own little system and her own vinyl collection so I know where my vinyl would go!

In fact I regularly have to check that her collection has not grown while mine has shrank!
