Power amps into surge protector/Conditioner or DIRECT to wall? Final verdict?

Just curious. I've heard for years not to plug amp into a surge protection evice. Does this apply to a preamp as well? Are the component fuses enough? Do affordable surge protection/conditioners exist that do not effect sound quality? 
Some of the mid line Furman studio units look nice. Plus you have the SurgeX/Brick devices that look like real winners. However, I'm not wanting any sound quality issues. BUT, I don't want my equipment destroyed as well. 

Thoughts please
@erik_squires  Thanks for your feedback Erik and all the clear & concise input you have contributed to this topic in the various threads over the last week. It has been helpful and very much appreciated.

@blindjim  Thanks for your empathy and encouragement in this confusing topic.
Panamax m 4300 ex, do the job for me + stones and crystals I added myself with great success...
The question is are the crystals working on the rf or the vibration.
They works on the 2, RF and vibrations, but I am not the physicist, you are Geoffkait...
I throw the breaker and unplug. Also took the Cable TV off the system. I can hook it up when I want to quickly. Every house on my block/street had been hit by lightning. I really can't handle that nightmare.