I would definitely recommend NOT choosing Cardas Cygnus. While electrical parameters don't appear to be provided for it at the Cardas website, its design is stated to be "based on our flagship Clear & Clear Beyond conductors." Those cables, in turn, have capacitances that are much higher than the 494 pf/meter capacitance of the Kimber 12TC which apparently caused your amp to have the problem.
In your post just above, btw, "high inductance" should have been "high capacitance." As in the case of Goertz cables that were mentioned by Jtcf earlier, high capacitance has been known to cause some solid state amps to oscillate at RF frequencies, even resulting in damage in some cases. And the 30 foot length of your Kimber 12TC brings its total capacitance to an amount that is comparable to the capacitances of Goertz cables at more typical lengths.
I have no experience with Ayre equipment, or with the Blade or other KEF speakers, so all I can suggest is that you research the Virtual Systems section here and see what others are using with those products. And given the 30 foot length I would suggest ruling out any cable having a capacitance of more than say 50 pf/foot, which is about 1/3 of the capacitance of the Kimber.
And if the capacitance of a cable you are considering is not specified, I would contact the manufacturer and ask. And if the manufacturer can't or won't provide that information I would look elsewhere.
Good luck. Regards,
-- Al