Kimber 12tc incompatibility with ayre my-r twenty

I  am having a problem I have been trying to figure out for the last month . I think I have an answer now . I would like to know if anyone has had any similar experience .
i recently upgraded from an all parasound system with jc-1 , jc-2 , jc-3 to an all ayre stack with kx-r twenty , mx-r twenty, Qx-5 twenty, px-5 and cx-5. I retained all the kimber cables and speakers kef blade 2 speakers that I had.
The sound was phenomenal, so romantic so clean , amazing vocals , so powerful at the same time . I loved it, gave me goosebumps.
But the power amp would turn off to standby when I played it real loud .
i reached out to ayre. They have the best customer service in the entire audio business. Amazing group of people who love music and their products and stand behind their products. We tried a lot of trouble shooting and finally figured it was the kimber 12tc speaker cable as the culprit. With cheap Best Buy speaker cables the system functions flawlessly. They felt it had to do with high frequency oscillation or rf as the cables are not well shielded.
has anyone had similar experiences
I have reached out to kimber to get their input.
thank you .

Thanks Al
the problem is the 30 ft length . That’s super long . John Atkinson reviewed it with cardas clear cable in his review on stereophile 
The Kimber cables you have are not up to the standards of your system anyway.
I would look to Audioquest cables. 
You don't mention the speakers, but AQ work well with my MX-R and Vandy speakers.

No. what works on Vandys does not work on Blades.

The Blades are much more detailed with a greater emphasis on a clear midrange and extended top. Most Vandys sound distinctly soft on the top with a much  greater emphasis on warmth in the midrange .

The AQ cables work well with Vandy because the AQ cables tend to focus more on top end clarity, this is a horrible mismatch with Ayre which tends towards neutraility, and a pair of Kef Blades

We have done comparisions of the AQ Element series on the KEF vs the Wireworld cables and the Wireworlds sounded way better on that pairing.

Vandy/Ayre/AQ works because the speakers are very different sounding.

Each setup must work witth Synergy you can’t just substitute one item and hope that the voicing will still work.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ Kef and Wireworld dealers