Bought some `Vintage Gear`

On a whim and a hunch, I bought some old gear locally. 

Marantz 500 Amp
Marantz 3300 preamp
JBL L200B Speakers

The gear is 46 years be old!!!

It sounds WAY better than I thought. I had a blast tonight. Played it for wife and kids (who think this hobby is rediculous) and they were super impressed.

Anyone every had a similar experience? 

Maybe bc will get a reel to reel next

I don't think I have anything quite that old, but I have a couple of older turntables - a Realistic LAB 440 and a JVC QL-Y66F that still work and sound great.  The JVC is my main turntable (out of 5 that I own).  I have a pair of Klipsch Heresy I speakers in my office system and an Onkyo T9090 II FM tuner that I listen to every day.  The heart of my computer setup is an Audio Research Vsi55 integrated.  Up until a couple of years ago my main speakers were a pair of close to 20 year old Klipsch KLF-30.
Similar experience here a couple of years ago picking up a late 70s Marantz DC170 amp.  Really lovely sound for cheap.