New Schiit Freya or used Conrad Johnson PV-10AL/BL, or?

Looking to buy a line stage tube preamp with an $800 budget. Considering the options. I can use this preamp with either a Vincent SP-331 or McIntosh MC2200, whichever is a better match.
Mapletree Line 2  - I looked at these because everyone says hey have excellent sound.  I do believe that.  However, if I am going to drop $800.00  I do not want control knobs that are from the 1940's.  I have seen antique radios with these same style of knobs.   I know, you cannot judge a book from it's cover.  My opinion only, I think they are ugly looking.  They look like they were made in someones garage.  I just cannot get past that.  The Freya if even a close competitor is very nice looking and the route I will go unless something else strikes me before I buy.  The Freya has a remote too. 
If you use balanced and single ended for different sources , be careful . I bought the Freya , it produced a loud hum through my speakers . I couldn't have both single ended and balanced plugged in at the same time . had to return it . 
@maplegrovemusic  that sounds like a serious issue..   Had you verified with Schiit  to be sure it wasn't something else?   Anyone else experience this?   Assume you mean can't use balanced and rca  at the input at the same time.    What good would the option be really if that is happening.   I am considering going for one but this not boding well in terms of their design topology .  
@skiroe  I ran the Freya this way : Sonyhaz1es - balanced into freya for music listening . Oppo 203 - rca input into Freya for tv/movies. There was a loud hum that stayed consistently loud when both inputs were connected , but only using one at a time . Once I took out either the balanced or RCA input connection the hum would be gone . I used a balanced out from the Freya to my amplifier .