Power amps into surge protector/Conditioner or DIRECT to wall? Final verdict?

Just curious. I've heard for years not to plug amp into a surge protection evice. Does this apply to a preamp as well? Are the component fuses enough? Do affordable surge protection/conditioners exist that do not effect sound quality? 
Some of the mid line Furman studio units look nice. Plus you have the SurgeX/Brick devices that look like real winners. However, I'm not wanting any sound quality issues. BUT, I don't want my equipment destroyed as well. 

Thoughts please


series mode

it should be obvious SM is not the only and likely not even the primary ‘protector’ tech inside some dual ‘surge and SQ enhancing devices.

as such I’m wondering why it is such an obvious note you feel is of dire importance for any one to acquire in such equipment, lest they be at risk?

albeit in and of itslef it may well be a barrier or defender for high energy issues, its certainly not the ONLY bit of tech keeping higher energy issues from destroying our gear and consequently it is not a MUST HAVE item in the ‘what ever’  chosen device.

sorry,. just saying….

RE Zap Cap for the Sunburn State via Fla Power & light

my local energy resource has the same gizmo. its a one off, once hit it is gone approach. naturally replacing it is the duty of the provider and at no cost to the  consumer.

they afix it to the service pole at the weatherhead or inside the meter box.

for the belt and suspenders tact, why not? however, input here says there are better solutions for those who have private domiciles and the dough to invest into these auxilliary choices.

additionally, it does nothing for instances wherein lightening comes in on Sattelite or CATV COAX cabling.

or for those still enjoying copper line telephones it is no benefit.


I chose not to add one onto my service and opted for as I’ve said, an alternative  solution aimed solely at improving SQ…. because it also aided me protection from a few unstable natural weather incidents was purely an Oh, By the Way happy event..



another quite intriguing idea I’ve not seen mentioned here is the option of getting off the grid entirely via ‘whole house’ Lithium battery power.

this is a trend in new housing developments in Australia, as of course, an option for the prospective owners/buyers of homes in these developments.

it is available now in the U.S. as a refit for existing homes.

apart from the duty cycle to recharge the batteries, homes exist only off the converted DC. likely there is a full wave bridge rectification going on so the DC emmulates AC, just more precisely as outside issues will not influence such a power resource.

BTW… Yikes!  these ain’t cheap but prices annually are decreasing. 

add on solar or wind mills  or goats and treadmills, or water wheels, or a whole bunch of trained squirrels on itty bitty treadmills in parallel of course,

…and one could end up making money off the local power co. especially if some or much of the install is a DIY project, which is as well offered fully or in part due to its overall modularity.

of course the end result here is contained precise steady state voltage when on the batteries, and natural disasters are not being addressed, nor are interior prevailing  electrical annomolies, it serves only to serve up cleaner volts and lower third party provider energy consumption., which for some might be inducement enough.

A lot of good advice here. I absolutely believe that one must, if at all possible, address power coming into the house, and to add surge protection at the panel/sub panel. After many years of reading posts here and other places, about the Environmental Potentials surge/filter line products, and the fact that they adopted their products for residential after having a considerable market base in industrial, medical, and communications, it’s hard to refute the technical measured evidence of wave form correction, reduction of spikes, and other anomalies that the EP products solve and remediate. If they are used in the most sensitive and critical medical, computing, and yes, military, solutions, I decided that their is real value in adding a device to my AC panel to eliminate those same type of “grunge” things affecting my listening experience. I also have dedicated 20 amp lines for the stereo and home theater room, and also use PS Audio P10 for amps, and P5 for all source products. I also added the Rhodium Furtutech outlets and carbon covers. Coincidentally, I have never felt that I needed to purchase Uber expensive power cables because the system sounds great as it with the aforementioned in place. I do have a Shunyata black mamba power cable on the Aesthetix IO Signature phono stage, and regular cables everywhere else. No nasties coming through. My amps are McIntosh MC2301, and I have a compete tube vinyl source feed. I am techie at heart, and always felt measured performance criteria such as THD, IMD, spikes, etc., always affected negatively in some way, the listening experience. If the spikes alone are reduced, that is also preserving our circuits in our most critical and perhaps expensive electronics. Just my two cents. The EP 2050 is the one I am using as it serves as both a surge protector and wave form corrector, it’s an easy solution to add and has enhanced my listening pleasure.
I hooked up the Torus Tot Max today. What a great piece of gear. I had an oh so light buzz which is now gone. The unit is 50lbs and built like a tank. Plenty of space between outlets so all plug sizes work easily. Extremely snug connections. You have to take some effort to push in. 

I pkayed some Nora Jones and the background seemed a little blacker. No issues with imaging or sound changes. I basically got this unit for protection. I highly suggest Torus
FWIW I plug my tube integrated 50W PP amp into ExactPower EP15A. It sounds very good to my ears. Comparing to plugging into the wall, EP15A does lower the noise floor (blacker background) and voltage is rock-steady @ 120V and offers surge protection as well. Enjoy your Torus.