Looking for Room Measurement / Speaker Setup Software

I’ve gotten to the point where I am happy with the equipment I have (PS Audio Digital / VPI Super Scoutmaster Reference, NAT Preamp, Maker Audio Amp, Hansen Prince speakers), but I know the speakers could be better optimized. The setup is in a crappy room (too open, with a big couch) but it still sounds really good. Not great though.

Can anyone recommend software / hardware that I can by to measure frequency response at my listening position that I can use to adjust speaker placement? If I need separate hardware above & beyond my laptop that’s fine, though obviously something that works with the laptop’s hardware is more economical. I’m guessing we’re talking a good USB mic and some software but I have no idea what to get.


Ian     Palm Beach County, Florida
Hey Ian,

Talk to GIK Acoustics. Great advice, and great products for your room. They'll look at your pictures and drawings and help you get set up. 

That's going to be more useful to you than buying software and a calibrated mic _unless_ you have access to an EQ in your chain.

Thank you both for your replies.  I have a bunch of GIK products in the room now and in the family room I use for HT.  They are really good people to work with.  I definitely want to take some measurements.  Even though I'm stuck with this less than optimal room (hopefully not for too much longer), maybe moving the speakers a few inches can make a difference.  If nothing else, I learn something about the room.