The 4k release of Blade Runner--is anyone as disappointed as I am??

Being a huge fan, I decided to buy the 4k version of Blade Runner, making it only the second disc I own in the format.
Boy, am I disappointed.

First, the colors are extremely muted, NOT more saturated as I’ve read on some impressions online. (Yes, I know about the somewhat noisy picture as well) The colors are so bad in fact, it makes the movie less involving, drab, and depressing. It looks more like the DVD version! Flesh tones are muted. I noticed it right away, but I made sure by A/B-ing with my Bluray version, which looks beautiful, and color saturated.

Second, the sound is more aggressive, bright, and MUCH MUCH louder in the the point where dialog in the center channel greatly suffers. Its terrible. For whatever reason, some dialog is also audible in the surrounds..what a disgrace. The sense of space and echo is much more pronounced in some scenes, which might be a matter of taste, but for me it was distracting. In the scene at the club where Deckard approaches the thug about the origin of the snake scale, I can barely hear what he says because the surrounds are so loud and echoey. Again, on the Bluray it sounds correct. Is this a new mix??

So, my question is, does everyone notice the change, approve of it, and find it better than the bluray?? I for one, do not. This is NOT an improvement.

Impressions anyone? Thanks in advance.
My Sony 4K has an option that enables UHD. I tried using it once but it made the picture freaky bright and unnatural looking so I’m not sure my duck are in a row and I stopped using it. It’s right there in the "Picture Adjustments" list of the settings menu (way down the list past "Vivid", "Standard", etc.).
Thanks, I will most definitely check that out. I thought I went over all the settings, but I could have missed that.
Just checked, it’s called "HDR Video" (High Dynamic Range). BTW, when I play my Reference Recordings SACDs (high dynamic range music), they sound muted compared to other discs. I have to crank the volume just to hear the low-level content. Then, when they start whacking the kettle drums, etc., the full-force comes through!
I read a review of one of the newer Pioneer 4K players and with the UHD (or was it HDR10?) set to auto, it kicks the nits up to unacceptable levels. One needs to fine tune it down to where you like it and if necessary, make it an across the board setting for all inputs. I believe it’s in the white level settings where you can adjust it.

All the best,
Hey nonoise...
I checked all my settings and they were proper. I'm scratching my head, as i have very little hair to pull out.