Furutech fuse

Back story. I find the prices of Synergistic fuses extortion. Like someone charging $100 for a cup of water in the desert. The product may have value as a tweak, the materials do not justify the price to me. 

However, ever the tweaker, I succumbed to buying a $40 Furutech 20mm 4 amp fuse for my preamp.

It’s rhodium plated OFC.

I tried it in both directions. Yes, it sounded more coherent in one direction than the other. I ran it for about 10 hours.

I did not like the sound. Etched and dry with reduced bass. I swapped back the original.

I find the prices of Synergistic fuses extortion.
That's absurd. Extortion involves coercion, or force or the threat of force. Are you saying you suffered this before buying the fuse?
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@cleeds Jeez, I did not mean it literally. I used a simile to illustrate how I believe the product is overpriced. 
@elizabeth Indeed. Me too. Years ago, I moved a turntable from a temp location on a concrete floor to a lovingly built oak table. The SQ deteriorated so badly it was horrific.  Yet when I added granite underneath, it was almost back to where it was. I was amazed. I am sure the Synergistic fuses may do as they claim but I do not feel happy about value for money.