Vandersteen VLR CT

Just noticed that the VLR CT is now on the Vandersteen website:

Eager to hear any impressions on this little guy.
Question about stock VLR &/or VLR CT...

I listen to 2-ways strictly in a nearfield/desktop setting. There's perhaps 1 foot behind the speakers to the big picture window in front of desk (covered w/blinds). I have found that sealed/asoustic suspension designs work/sound better in this setup than ported designs.

Has anyone here used VLR or VLR CT in a nearfield setting? Or near to back wall. If yes to either question, how did they sound?
My VLR's are mounted near the ceiling/corners of the room with a little downward tilt and angling toward my desk.
I wish I could listen a little further away, but that is where they have to go.
I love the way they sound.
( I had a pair of Zu Omen Bookshelf speakers before, but the Vandy's are much, much better. I can't believe such a small box can make so much quality sound).
I also have a pair of Hsu subs under the desk to flesh out the lowest notes, but to be honest, I really don't think I need them.
Are they as good as my Treo's, no- especially considering the positioning, but they sound very nice. No fatigue, lots of definition- as a Vandy should be.