"Tim, I think you need to drop your Adderall dose:) Sub woofers are not more prevalent in high end audio because they add expense, they take up space and women do not like the looks. Not to mention that there are still many audiophiles who think sonically they are a detriment."
Hello mijostyn,
I'm not going to blame my Adderall dosage, it was probably due more to the multiple bottles of whiskey and all those speedballs.
Concerning your reasons why sub woofers aren't more prevalent in high end audio, you may be correct but I can only respond from my personal perspective. My subs were an added expense but worth every penny, they don't take up much space at 1x1x2 feet each with 2 not even visible positioned behind my panel speakers, my wife likes the looks of the other 2 that are visible and usually has a vase of fresh cut flowers on one of them.
I don't like referring to myself as an audiophile because it reminds me of a crusty old rich pretentious guy blindly following audio doctrines of dubious merit, like the audiophile purist doctrine that subs are sonically a detriment that I envision some audiophiles blindly believing in for decades but never bothering or daring to find out for themselves whether or not the dusty old doctrine even has merit.
I consider myself more of a practical, reasonable and independent sort with an open mind, a belief in the scientific method, an appreciation of high quality audio/video equipment but utmost a lover of music and movies who's constantly searching for and learning about improved methods of reproducing both in my home system. Perhaps I'm such an avid fan of the 4-sub DBA concept because it's so compatible with my concept of myself.
You've had a very practical and interesting history with speakers and subs. I consider Apogees and Acoustats to be very similar to Magnepans, excellent fast type speakers that are a bit lacking in deep bass impact and dynamics that are also all recognized as being difficult to successfully integrate subs with.
I'm very curious how well those 4 Dayton subs you built would have integrated with those speakers if you were aware of and utilized the DBA concept in configuring and positioning them. Based on my knowledge and experience, I think it's likely they'd have worked very well.