Wharfedale Linton Heritage 85th Anniversary

These are fun speakers.  They are musical and smooth. An absolute pleasure to hear with tubes.

I cannot believe how well made they are at this price point.  I'd like to wheel in a pair of Harbeths or Spendors (classic type) to have a shootout.  The stands are well executed.  Everything feels substantial and high end.  Color me impressed.  

The ones used in buchardt are not seas or scanspeak, and the buchardt are priced as if they were.

Have you ever made speakers yourself?  Have you measured SB Acoustics drivers or listened to them?

And no, they aren't priced as if they were. They are below the traditional 10x markup, more or less, so a fair bargain. 

Compare to Gamut.
It's rude to compare buchardt to Gamut, or other established high-end brands, or the ones I have built years ago without measuring equipment!
Buchardts are sb acoustics kits developed and assembled in countries where the cost of living is far less than in europe, canada and usa.
All the two european speaker kings had to do was pay youtube reviewers to create the buzz, and shoot a video of the speakers with pot and alcohol right in the middle, tres chic lifestyle, like this:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GkpE0sXJRyE
Gamut show how they build them, they show the effort they put into it.
But anyway, this is a Wharfedale Linton thread.  This buchardt discussion belongs somewhere else.
jbhiller if you have more observations to share regarding the Lintons, we are all ears. How do they perform with rock vs classical symphony, for example?

I've now had these running for about a month.  Here's what I can say (no final conclusions yet)

-My 300b amp cannot drive them.  
-My Primaluna can and they sound great with them. 
-Oddly, My Creek EVO 100 sounds better with them than the Primaluna.  
-They sound so good that while I've certainly thought about rotating my Klipsch Forte IIIs back in, I haven't done it.  
--I thought the Lintons sounded a bit harsher with tubes than solid state.  But keep in mind I have only compared 3 amps with them thusfar.  

Maybe there's some serious synergy between the British Creek and the British Lintons?  

I have no lack of bass.  I have a big room and they have low end drive.  I'm not sure what the dude (above) heard, but I respect we all hear differently and different rooms and kit make a difference.  

I'm going to hold off on a very specific review because I think I need to live with stuff for months to truly know it.  I'll say this though; the Lintons are a killer bargain.   They reveal differences in front end equipment better than I expected.   I would recommend an audition for people looking for great musical value.  Pick your saying, phrase or idiom--they punch about their price.