Furutech fuse

Back story. I find the prices of Synergistic fuses extortion. Like someone charging $100 for a cup of water in the desert. The product may have value as a tweak, the materials do not justify the price to me. 

However, ever the tweaker, I succumbed to buying a $40 Furutech 20mm 4 amp fuse for my preamp.

It’s rhodium plated OFC.

I tried it in both directions. Yes, it sounded more coherent in one direction than the other. I ran it for about 10 hours.

I did not like the sound. Etched and dry with reduced bass. I swapped back the original.

If we are on the subject of the SR Blue fuse actually working then I have to agree.

I have two of them now, one in my integrated amp and one in my phono stage.

Expensive yes ( although I bought one on a special and it was basically free after buying the AC receptacle).

But not everybody is going to see the same results.

You pays your money and you takes your chances......
Actually, in the case of the Blue Fuse everyone does have the same results. Well, maybe there are a few outliers out of 40,000 or whatever. Who cares?
I’ve no doubt they make a change or an improvement. I understand they have R&D costs and salaries to pay all those sales people. I’m just not diggin’ the price. For a fuse. I paid almost $400 for a pair of new tubes and that was pushing it!

You put your finger on one of the more perplexing aspects of high end audio. So many audiophiles seem to care more about being able to explain than being able to experience. Which okay, always nice to know why something works. Guys especially for some reason take pride in knowing what they’re doing, and why, and look down on all the poor weak saps stumbling around in the dark clueless. I’m a little like that myself. More than a little. Nowhere near enough though that I’m gonna deny reality and take a pass on some of the biggest bangs for the audio buck in history.

Because the plain fact of the matter is nobody really knows why hardly any of this stuff works. If they did they’d all be doing it. Like take aerodynamics. Pretty much everyone knows why airplanes fly. The result is they all look so much alike you’d have to be an expert to tell one from another. With audio its like they still haven’t figured out if three wings are better, or even if we need wings at all.

But whatever. I still say the greatest asset you can have in life is to know thyself. If you’re not the type to buy anything no matter how good it is or how great a deal unless and until you think it makes sense according to your own particular theory of how things should be, that is probably good to know.
Because the plain fact of the matter is nobody really knows why hardly any of this stuff works. If they did they’d all be doing it. Like take aerodynamics. Pretty much everyone knows why airplanes fly. The result is they all look so much alike you’d have to be an expert to tell one from another. With audio its like they still haven’t figured out if three wings are better, or even if we need wings at all.

>>>>Speak for yourself. I think what you probably mean is pretty much everybody takes airplanes and flight for granted and don’t think about it much and only a few people actually understand flight dynamics, fluid dynamics, propulsion and aerodynamics.
Millercarbon, the problem for me is that I have a background in electronics, and I know not so much the specific explanations, but that there is an explanation. There is always one or one forthcoming. Is it a physical phenomenon or a psycho-acoustic one? Is it something few of us in the forum are qualified to understand? Maybe only a few engineers at Synergistic know? Perhaps they came back from the future with a new compound. We know silver conducts better than gold. We know about surface conductivity and long crystals in copper wire. And we use that knowledge to make better sounding components. In the case of the fuse, they may be simply exploiting the fact that thin wires under tension vibrate and that the junctions in a fuse cause ionic collisions or whatever, and they are merely addressing these factors. And it is wonderful that they are. But, to the best if my knowledge,  they are not forthcoming about the construction or the materials or the mechanism, and that makes me suspicious.