PS Audio or Ayre?

So I'm thinking about getting the BHK signature preamp or, I just read a review on the AyreK5xe preamp. They both seem like great pieces. Anyone have a preference?
I own both and have the K5xeMP and the BHK. The Ayre is an amazing value and at the prices you will find it used and even new unless Ayre has run out of stock. It has 2 balanced and 2 unbalanced inputs and no headphone amp.

That being said, there is no question the BHK gives you more detail. It has more inputs and it has a headphone amp. I don’t like the stock tubes and would recommend getting a pair of Tunsgrams to roll in. The stock tubes were slightly bright and rolling is a little bit of a pain in that you need to move a jumper.  Another perk of the BHK is that the volume control has more steps.  It is the superior unit but then again is nearly twice as expensive.  

I have replaced both now that I am Art Audio’s importer and my Conductor is a big step up vs. even the BHK. Of course it is also a lot more expensive. The Conductor simply is similarly priced to the BHK and I think it sounds better. But the neither Conductor model has XLR inputs and the Simply has no headphone amp and in the end I am a bit biased.  

Re. Exron's comments about Ayre products, I've had excellent experiences with their gear over the years and dealing with their customer service, which is what I've generally heard about from others on various audio boards over the years. 
Re. Ayre gear having 'a lot of real estate inside their boxes,' two thoughts. One is that most of their gear is made more or less to standard component sizes, which may be partly governed by reasonable aesthetic considerations and/or those related to providing enough mass to reduce box resonance; and two, I've often heard it said in high-end audio that gear benefits from construction aiding simple signal paths and the like, rather than cramming circuit boards and adding more stuff inside boxes. I'd prefer construction quality over quantity.
I replaced a Rogue RP-5 for the BHK Pre. Big difference IMO. Much smoother, wide soundstage. The RP-5 always seemed to have a touch of harshness. My ZU speakers are super efficient and revealing, The BHK Pre is perfect