Speakers under $50k that rival $200k+ speakers?

Curious if there are any used or new (less likely) speakers out there that rival flagship speakers like Focal Grande Utopia, Rockport Lyra, Marten Coltrane Supreme 2, Magico M6, Raidho TD 4.2 or D4.8 etc?

I'll throw out a contender. If you look on ebay and the used market you can sometimes find a Von Schwekert VR 10 for around $18k CAD and from what I heard it can rival many TOTL speakers like the Grande Utopia. Do you guys have any thoughts?
Directly or indirectly Ralph is affiliated with both Classic Audio and Sound Labs, so of course they are great speakers.
I walk my talk. I've shown with both companies at shows, because they make great speakers. Beyond showing with them I have no affiliation. I'd have mentioned Audiokinesis too (with whom I've also shown) but his speakers were too inexpensive to make the cut. After nearly 43 years in this business, I've yet to sell a single loudspeaker.

Many have noted, Maggies rival many Uber expensive speakers. I think you would be doing yourself a disservice not to listen to them. I listen to symphonic music full tilt on my Maggies, which is much more demanding than rock and could blow out the windows if I choose to (I love rock and old school house music too). To get the subsonic punch people speak of I integrated four subwoofers using DSP which you could easily do for the price of a much more expensive set of speakers. The result is all the magical mids and highs benefits of the panel with none of the disadvantages. 
Daedalus speakers

wonderful tonal balance - the most critical thing
very revealing
micro and macro detail and dynamics
sonic wood done right which disappear in a room
high efficiency
a low watt sat, triode tube or large amp will drive them well

i hear everysustem change in spades

i was at RMAF and kept hearing $$$ lesser sounding speakers and was drawn back in

bought a pair of Ulysses