Who are the Kings of Audiogon?

Based  on number of posts: Jeff Kaitt, Elizabeth,Oregon Papa etc....

read this thread last night and mean to respond... 

erik is a good blend of informed, provocative, helpful, opinionated, and responsive..... asks questions that tilt the normal expected forum themes 90 degrees or so at times... appreciates well measured products but is not a pure objectivist.... finally he is relatable as he is about value and has no need to buy the most expensive audio jewelry.... I often feel out of place here as I can’t just pop down to the store and drop $20k on gear (noble careers often punish the pocket book).. Sooooo Erik, kudos and thanks from a less than deep pocketed audio-neurotic!!

I strongly object to your assertion. You my friend are extremely contentious or is it conscience and I clearly have absolutely KNOW proof, but I am willing to stick my little tow out ( not very far ) and say that if you do not consider me the ruler ( due to my vast lack of knowledge) I will dull the guillotine, ( glad there was spell check for that word ) and you will....where was I?
Finally I would add more bass busters in your corner, assuming you have a corner....
Thanks so much for your kind words, @birdfan

The NY Mets season tickets I promised are in the mail!
