Sonus Faber Olymipca 3 vs Martin Logan Expression ESL 13A

hello !

i have recently moved my speakers( sonus faber olympica 3) to an open
floor living room and they started to sound terrible.Bright and harsh.
I have installed sound absorbing panels on side walls and corners but they
didn’t help much.
Lots of echo .They literally sound like i was in hallway. I previously
had them set up in smaller room with lower ceiling and loved how their
sound. They were a little on a warm side , extremely smooth and musical. non fatiguing at all. Definitely not bright.

I’ve heard that electrostatic speakers may sound better in large , open area but i don’t want to loose what i love about SF olympica 3 most.

Do you think i would be able to get similar "flavor" form dipole speakers ?

Did anyone compared these 2 speakers before?

i was thinking about to trade my SF for MartinLogan Expression ESL 13A.

Is it a good idea ?

 have recently moved my speakers( sonus faber olympica 3) to an open
floor living room and they started to sound terrible.

i was thinking about to trade my SF for MartinLogan Expression ESL 13A.

Is it a good idea ?

ML ESL's  love to be away from room boundaries in an open area.

Cheers George
ESL's love to be away from room boundaries in an open area.

I’ve heard that electrostatic speakers may sound better in large , open area

Speakers in general sound better in larger spaces, especially with high sloped ceilings.  Away from room boundaries. Carpeted floors help too. All of this is doubly true for panels.
Did your floor change? We don't think of the flooring as being important, but it is.