AT OC9/II Re-release

I recently heard that AT is re-releasing the OC9/II.  IMO, there's a good reason why.  It is a great cartridge and only betterred a little by much more carts.  
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There has been a III for many years.

I used one, then jumped to the ART9. The OC9 is a great cart for the price. I heard the ART 9 as more refined overall and worth the price of admission.
After a couple of years, stylus disaster. I moved up the cart food chain with another grand.

Do do you mean this?

AT has too many choices. But I guess that's a good thing.
I see my post has a goof-I didn't spend another "grand"
I went with a different brand. 
I bought the original OC9 back when it was new, and "the bargain of the century" according to effusive reviews. It was only available in UK, I believe, and when launched in the US, the price doubled.

I tested it at home, it worked, and I reboxed it and stored it for future use. The "future" came a few months ago. It's a great cartridge! The best? Of course not (I have better, but not by much) and I'd commend it to anyone who doesn't want to pay heavy money for an "ultimate" MC.

The OC0/II added a MicroLine stylus. I haven't heard it, but it surely must improve detail. Mine has a nude "special elliptical" (whatever "special" means) but has the same fine boron cantilever.

I read that OC9/III made other changes internally and the SQ dropped — but I haven't heard it so cannot have an opinion.

The new range goes lower in quality, and higher, but the pricing continues the "bargain" tradition; and allowing for inflation, seems even to lower the cost. 

That's the great advantage of reviving old classics: the R&D costs were already amortized, and the tooling/manufacturing still exists — at least for the OC-Series.

NB: No connection to AT or any Dealer — just an audiophile fan.