Morganc - The Zus definitely have an 'alive' presence and that's the quality that makes them keepers in my system. As for soundstage, my room is 15'x15' and the speakers are probably not ideally placed for depth. They flank our fireplace and are just a few feet out from the back walls. But I am hearing some depth now as they are breaking in which I didn't before and the soundstage is getting very large. Sometimes it's startling when a vocal comes in(lead or backing, in addition to what is an already very full sound and it's still well defined and placed. So I have zero complaints in that area -- it works for me.
Previously I had a pair of Spendor S5es which I enjoyed but comparing them to the Superflys, they sounded dull and lifeless. Not a knock against the Spendors(I still have a high opinion of them)it's just that they sound like speakers reproducing music and the Zu's sound like music. I had an audiophile buddy over and he preferred the Zu's by a large margin and commented that the British speakers midrange sounded 'sucked out' in comparison to the Zu's and I think he was hearing the rich, dense tonality presented by the Zu FRD.
The Omen Definitions might be a bit too much for my smaller room as I'm sure they would like even more 'breathing room' than the Superflys however they sound like a great fit for your listening space. I'm also curious how the two compare as I haven't seen many comments. Post your impressions of the Omen Definitions with 300bs -- curious to know.
Rockn - Man, I'm jealous! Walnut wasn't an option when I ordered mine -- I'm sure those are going to look as great as they sound! I know next to nothing about SET amplification but I've been impressed by the little that I've heard. Wonder what folks would think of a Bottlehead Stereomour 2A3/45 paired with the Superflys? The kit is $750 which seems like a great way to hear and learn along the way too.