Can we finally put Reel to Reel out of its misery? Put it to rest people.

The format is dying and too expensive to repair properly. Heads wear out so easy and many out there are all worn.
High quality technicians are either retired or long gone. Its such an inconvenient format that can be equalled by nakamichi easily in tape decks.
Retire it please put them in museums. 
Post removed 

You mean not everybody has just a blow up doll?

How quaint.

What is a wife?
Kind of like a life?

Do not have one of those either.
@viridian tubes are way way way more plentiful than reel2reels decks parts heads. Tube amps and tubes have never stopped being made. Reel2Reels have been stopped for 40 years. 
@viridian tubes are way way way more plentiful than reel2reels decks parts heads. Tube amps and tubes have never stopped being made. Reel2Reels have been stopped for 40 years. 
None of this is going anywhere. As long as people want to spend money on it, it will be around with the exception of wives. They just steal your money. On the other hand the only thing worse than being old is being old and alone.