Best Integrated, period.

Has anyone compared, Gryphon Diablo, Gamut Di150, Vitus SS101, Krell FBI, APL UA-S1 Jeff Rowland Continuum 500? Please add what you found to be best integrated.
I'll go with the top Accuphase Class A integrated...
Frederklarson, did you get the NCSE? If so, curious to hear your impressions. Thanks, Jay
Hi Jay, auditioned the NCSE for over 2 weeks. The low end weighting and overall balance is subtly, but definitely sweeter IMHO compared to the LE IV. Experimented more and discovered a slight reposition of my C7-ES3's made further improvements in balance and wider soundstage. Never noticed this with the LE IV in the year+ I owned it and tweaked spkr position, cables, etc. The NCSE certainly brought more to the table than expected.

About halfway through the NCSE trial though, I also auditioned some separates that were stunning, and ended up keeping those instead.
Love the Sansui AU-9500.
I recently re-caped with Elna Silmic II for signal path,
Nichicon for power path and upgraded the small signal TO-92's to modern Fairchild silicon. Left the original Sankin output transistors in-place.
Anyone heard the Burmester 082 or 032? Should these be part of the conversation?