phono preamp for Primaluna

Any suggestions for a Phono preamp for primaluna Dialogue premium HP intergrated amp?I have rega planer 5 with exact cartridge MM, but would like MC capable for future use. Dont want to spend a lot of $.Thanks for any suggestions.
Since I have very few albums, I purchased an inexpensive Hagerman Bugle 3 MM/MC phono preamp. I have it connected to my Gryphon Diablo 300. It sounds very good for it’s price. Low noise level. Very few ticks and pops. Just have to get over the fact that it built inside a plastic case.
I’have the Prima Luna dialogue hp and I’m Very happy with the lehmannaudio pre phono MM e MC.
Good at $400 new would be the Parks Puffin.  Lots of gain settings, handles MM & MM carts, does no harm.

Better for around $500 used would be a Musical Surroundings Nova Phonomena.  In addition to lots of gain settings, also a wide range of cartridge loading settings.  Very neutral and detailed.