Help with picking new integrated for under 3k

Hi all, I'm seeking advice in purchasing a new integrated amplifier. Max budget is 3K. Slowly upgrading as I get more into the hobby.

Current set up is as follows:
Preamp  - Cambridge CXA 60 running as pre
Amp - Rotel RB 990BX
Phono Stage - Musical Surroundings Phonomena ii+
Speakers - Anthony Gallo Reference 3.1 
Turntable - VPI Aries Scout
Cartridge - Ortofon 2m Bronze
Interconnects - Audioquest Diamondback
Streamer - appleTV

80% of my critical listening is on the turntable but when I'm reading, have company over, and/or just hanging and don't want to get off the couch out I'll stream over my appleTV.

Presently strongly considering Parasound Halo Hint 6 and Musical Fidelity M6si. There's also a local listing for a Mcintosh MA6500 and a Hegel H3600 that I could probably get for around my budget, although the Hegel would be a bit of a stretch. So any thoughts on those two amps as well would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance. 
I think it depends heavily on what kind of sound or improvements you’re looking to achieve with the new amp. I’d call the Hegel more on the neutral side, the M6si perhaps a touch warmer, and the MA6500 probably the warmest and fullest sounding but with a still softer and less-detailed treble. No idea about the Hint 6. All good -- but just depends on what you like and what works best with your system. Best of luck in whatever you choose.  BTW, if the H360 remains out of your price range an H300 will probably come up for sale soon in your price range and give you lots of the same sonic qualities.  Just a thought if you really want the Hegel. 
I don't know how the specs match up but the PS Audio Stellar M700 monoblocks come in right at $3K.  Plus they also have a trial period guarantee.
I would first consider what sound you are aiming for. Different amps have a different sound. 
First off thanks for all the feedback thus far. I wanted to generally respond about what sound I’m looking for. Although I haven’t heard any of these models I have heard each of the brands so I have a decent understanding of what sonic signature to expect. I’m hoping to get some feedback from folks who own or have heard any of these models as well as similar products that come with recommendations. I know different amps have different sounds but also two people can like the same amp for different reasons so looking to hear more about others’ experiences and recommendations for my price range. Again, thanks for all the responses so far, very helpful!