Anticable Cables: what do you like about them thread?

I thought that I would start this thread.  I do not like the other thread.
Which of the Speltz cables are you referring to? Speaker cables, interconnects, power cables or USB cables? Be more specific please.
you choose for your post.
why specific but you may be specific if you wish.
so what, specifically, do you like about them in your audio system.

are they Speltz cables not Anticables?
I like the solid copper speaker cables. In my system they are natural sounding without coloration, tuning, fancy boxes or high cost. 
I love their Level 3 power cable - they have worked well in every application in my system.  
@yping - in the past you have spoken very favourably about KLE Innovations cables - Are you now looking for replacements?

Just curious :-)

What I like about their IC’s is the helix geometry. It provides very good results and eliminates most issues of cable design (see links below)

Their braided geometry they use on their power cables is more effective than many other brands, but not as effective as the Helix geometry.

Surprisingly, the geometry used on their speaker cables is rather conventional by comparison to their IC’s and Power Cables and will suffer from many of the associated issues. Please read...

Building good cables is not just about wire quality and connector quality - cable geometry is key to excellent cable performance.

Regards - Steve