An Audiophile is Anyone Who Loves Audio Regardless of Monetary Status. Agree?

One group should not be allowed to monopolize the term above another as their own status symbol. you i and anyone else who likes audio can be considered an audiophile regardless of the size of your bank account. 
Brett & vinny,

I think that we you are alluding to is the fact that there is an acceptable level of "indulgence" when buying luxury items and that exceeding this level (set by you apparently) is reckless and morally irresponsible. 

Not everybody who owns a nice car or expensive (whatever you deem expensive) sound system is a gullible dummy. Not at all.
I spent ten years building rigs in the $5K-ish range and learned firsthand when I became a reviewer that the gear matters, and the price of the gear is correlated to performance.

No amount of griping, pleading, b*tching, yelling, ridiculing, etc. changes that. If I may use a motorcycle analogy, as I ride. I just recently bought a 2016 Yamaha FJ-09, a sport touring design. Should someone make the argument that a vintage Royal Enfield bike perform as well, I would consider them a fool. Likewise, suggesting that 30 year old components perform at a level of current technology is, imo, an ignorant statement. I have used enough vintage gear to know that it doesn’t compete well with current products. IF price is the determinant, then obviously using a sliding scale one can argue that the older stuff is "as good" or "better", but this is a determination made by value relative to performance, not an absolute judgement based on performance only. Things can get messy when value is inserted into the judgment of sound quality.

I was an audiophile when I was using a boom box in the garage lifting weights as a 16 year old. Been one ever since I had my first all in one stereo at about age 12. Was I an accomplished audiophile? No. I was a novice. I would consider myself very passionate about sound/audio as a novice until I was about 30 and began to explore better sound through better gear.

Perhaps the distinction novice audiophile versus accomplished audiophile might be helpful in the community (versus potentially perjorative phrases such as "good golfer" vs. "bad golfer"). Can the guy with a $500 setup be an audiophile; of course. He may love the gear and the sound, and long for better experience...

Does that make him an accomplished audiophile with years of experience, making multiple systems, advancing his art? No. Does he have to? No. But let’s not play the game that this man is supposed to be considered on a par with the one who spends decades elevating his game. That would be foolish, envious, delusional, etc.

If Vinny55 has spent much money and time developing his system, has been through a lot of current gear and fallen in love with vintage - great, you are a vintage-loving accomplished audiophile.

However, if Vinny55 had the wallet rule the day, never went past a firm barrier in terms of cost, has put up only a couple rigs, and then excoriates those who have done and spent a lot more - then you are a novice audiophile, and one with a poor attitude - and up to this point in your posts divisive. :(

So, perhaps the descriptors "novice" versus "accomplished" might help here. Imo the class/economic gauge is pretty well useless and imo does not bear relation to either personal spending habits, nor the habits of those with high net worth. (For all we know Vinny55 may have high net worth and thinks that in an absolute sense to spend more on equipment is stupid, as though the performance cannot exceed significantly what he has attained. It doesn’t give the right to mock others, but that doesn’t stop some people who feel assured of themselves.)

With my distinction of novice versus accomplished, a person could at any price point or methodology such as DIY, vintage, etc. be placed on the spectrum of "Audiophile", but reveal the involvement without the rankling of judgment based on socio-economic status.

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@douglas_schroeder a jvc rcm70 was considered high end in the 70s and even had a great phono section.
Bet you couldnt afford that back in the day.
You cant apply most automotive performance analogies to audio whatsoever. Totally irrelevant. 
Douglas's Bugatti does not make music
Douglas's Ferrari does not play a beautiful soulful violin piece of la paloma that stirrs the emotions.
Elizabeth's porche twin turbo doesnt reproduce a beautiful coltrane piece with all the fine detail snare drum sax piano and intricacies do that excites the senses
Douglas's Ducati doesnt produce the deep bass of Bachs organ music like a Sansui tube amplifier does.
Automotive comparative examples to fine audio are bogus.
A humble Marantz 2230 with Goodmans golds sounds as amazing in detail and overall musicality as an overrated Jadis or Pass with wilson speakers.

On a side note not audio related 
Doug if i had your money i would stil buy a lexus toyota honda or acura rather than overrated pompous bmw maserati porsche rolls mercedes bugatti ferrari. Why? Better made overrall vehicle similar performance and reliable.