Ordered my new amp today... been a long road!

Ordered a Parasound A21+ this morning after a year of saving and selling and buying new speakers... This should be it!


Haven't sat and listened with a gin n tonic in over two years... My Martin loans sh#t the bed every year for about 3 years so I bought a pair of 10T's... then my Mac amp wouldn't power them ... sold that now on to the A21+

Excited is not a strong enough word. Thanks for all the advice and wisdom!

Now to find a good 30 ga. power cable! lol
Capt. with all due respect 30 gauge for a POWER cable is NOT funny. It IS illegal by code and unsafe. I realize you were just having fun, but given some of the initial responses some folks were not aware of that. Also given the strange things people pick up on this site who knows what idiot might actually try it. Finally, it raises an interesting question for the site admin: what happens when people post things that are illegal and unsafe? Good luck with your new amp.
Capt, I think the answer to your amp issue is to move up the McIntosh chain with a used amp.  

I went through a few amps on the way to MC501s for my 3.6 Maggies.  You will not need that much power, but the Mc sound paired with Maggies can be magic.
I would love that move but I needed a new amp and I mean new with warranty ect. as this my be the last big investment I can make for a good amount of time. At the price I got this amp for I couldn’t buy a 20 year old Mac... lol

The 30ga. power cable was obviously a joke... I can’t afford 30 gauge wire now that I bought this amp... :0 I'll just use a old set of christmas lights I have in the shed. ;)