What’s your vote for the most ridiculous, overpriced, and useless tweak?

My vote: Furutech Outlet Cover 105 NCF $220, with “special crystalline material that has two “active” properties.” https://www.thecableco.com/outlet-cover-105-ncf.html

No, actually the SHM CDs from Japan employ a significantly more transparent plastic material than the usual polycarbonate, which only about 91% transparent. Better transparency, better signal. Like you know!
Decoupling the printed circuit boards from the chassis, including removing screws, is a way better idea than using special screws. For example, use cork squares to decouple the circuit boards from the chassis, and remove all or most screws. This is especially important if there’s a large transformer inside the chassis.
No way the same audio components will sound the same in different reviewers room, treated or non-treated by acoustic tweaks for example, without speaking of the vibrations that plague almost all audio system unbeknown to the listener...

Then judgement on the value of tweaks are like reviews, only rarely more than very generally significative for each of us and most of the times illusory,because of these differences of implementation,first in different audio components grids, second in different electrical grids,third in different acoustic environment... I dont even speak about the different listening capabilities of each of us,resulting from our specific audiophile habits personal history...That explain much of the contradictory report about specific tweak... If your system is not very refine or at least if not optimally or minimally embedded in these 3 grids, how can you perceive subtle but clear differences?

In lack of personal research and experience and experiments many people resort to denigration or denial, I prefer experimenting... But another point, many cie. sold tweaks that are too much costly, I prefer to recreate them by myself if possible... The last tweak that was too much cost for me than I recreate with astounding results at almost no cost were Helmholtz generator... Stupendous artefact easy to create that transform completely for me my audio already treated room...No need to pay thousand dollars...

But certainly someone with time to loose will denigrate that without any experimenting...I hate snake oil but I hate people who hate systematically anything they dont like and called that " snake oil" also,because often for them anything is snake oil...Thinking, experimenting, and loving and partaking tweaks are truly great activity in audio...

P.S. The simple truth is most audio tweaks are overpriced perhaps, but are not, most of the times, pure snake oil "per se" but depend of the quality of the 3 embedding grids, audio,electrical, and acoustical, where they will be implemented to be listen to with great or less great success....

Perhaps this question will be more interesting:
What’s your vote for the most astounding,underpriced, and useful tweak?

My answer will be because it is so cheap and simple to make : Helmholtz resonator....

Tice Clock is an oldie,  today the Stein Quantum Organizers seem pretty ridiculous.  And, by the way, if they are ridiculous and  useless, they would certainly be overpriced at any price.

Seriously... A $3200 Record Clap.  Why?  Guess some audio folks have money to burn.