Why all or most audiophiles are men?

I googled to find an answer but no avail. Something very interesting. 
Actually men don’t listen, just compete. That’s why it’s never good enough. My wife will listen to any of my gear with no complaints while I dissect each little nuance and she just sits there smiling and tapping her feet. I wonder what it would be like to be like her for a day? Must be great to be so carefree. Wait... my ability to make money has allowed her to be like that! On second thought, *^#ew her. I’m buying some new speakers. 
Men like to impress men.  Women like to impress women. Also, men like to impress women and women like to impress men.That's as far as I've got so far.

I just hope when I'm gone my wife doesn't sell my stereo and flyfishing stuff for what I told her I bought it for.I'll have to leave her a note.