What is a lowball offer? How low is low?

Recently I was looking at 2 -3 preamps. One was particularly interesting which was a Conrad Johnson 16LS2. The asking price was $3500. I have always wanted the 16LS2. But it was out of my price range. I couldn't make a serious offer. So I didn't and moved on. A few days later I see that it has sold for $2500! What? That was in my budget. But I would have considered that more an insult than a offer. And because I didn't want to insult the seller, I lost a good preamp to someone who was willing to take the chance. So what is the lesson learned here? Apparently I should insult more sellers . The seller wasn't insulted after all. he sold it for $2500. Or is the lesson that I take this stuff too seriously?Should sellers be insulted when offered 50% of their price?  I had thought that 10-15% below the asking price was a realistic offer. Now I'm not sure. So what do you consider a low ball offer? And please, I understand that a product is worth what someone is willing to pay. So no economic lessons please

I'm not sure the statement that no one pays retail is accurate....I'd be interested in hearing from some people who have purchased products from companies like Tekton, Salk, Modwright, PSAudio, Ascend, Rythmik and some of the more well known internet companies....were you able to buy direct from the company, not b stock, at a 10% discount or more...other than when they had some kind of an annual announced sale/clearance?

Yes I read the last sentence. I wholeheartedly agree that respect goes a long way. However, I see respect as what you do as much as what you say. IE, if I am having a pleasant conversation with  a gentleman who is speaking with a great amount of respect to me, yet I somehow discover his hand in my pocket, I somehow find that disrespectful of him no matter how pleasant his words. This is why I asked the original question. At what point (offer) does a person's actions show disrespect? Or is it just the way one phrases his offer the insult?
When you travel outside our country you will realize other cultures barter for everything.  We are one of the few societies that are willing to pay retail.  I have purchase expensive Stickley furniture when they have had a 45% off sale.  I often ask if you give me another 5% off we will buy it on the spot.  Then say, this is certainly better than a goose egg.
I suspected that was the case. I had never seen it done by my parents. I've learned to haggle because that is what is generally expected anymore

I think you might be over thinking the situation. Offering what you can afford is not low balling. Just use a little common sense. For example, you don't want to make an offer of only $200 to someone who is asking $1500 for what they are selling. To most, that would be an obvious low-ball offer. Your asking of 10 to 15% off a seller's asking price doesn't seem unreasonable. As one other person said,  it depends on how you say it.