Tariffs and sky high audio prices.

With the Chinese tariffs taking hold on 100% of the imports and maybe even on Mexico forthcoming, the audio industry is going to see another big jump in their sky high prices. Anyone making purchases ASAP to get lower prices from existing inventory before post tariff products enter the marketplace?
Now here's something we can agree on! Any S.S. monies borrowed by the politicians have to be paid back. Since when can they claim some form of bankruptcy when they created the mess? Bills were forced on Americans who tried to create jobs and business, and failed or were overwhelmed by medical bills, only to have no second chance but to repay, in full, plus interest, on their debts. I think it was Thomas Jefferson who had something like 7 bankruptcies trying to invent and create something that would benefit people.

All the best,

Regarding the gold standard: "Gold does not taste very good, even with seasoning. It generates no returns unless it is at someone else's expense" (ME)


I buy gear made by Americans and sold by Americans, unless it happens to have been made elsewhere by people somewhere else. I believe in free trade and legal purchases.


I appreciate your words and agree with your post without reservation.
Thank you for the kind words. I just wish I could compose my thoughts as well and as elegantly as you do. I should have gone farther than just an A.A. degree. 😄

All the best,
Too many electronic pieces are not made in US , even can not be made in
US, to look forward  to anything but trouble .
Anyway, are you going to buy equipment full of Chinese parts or not ? Or it depends, including on quality and price ? Mining practices, forced labor, abuses etc., remember ? Yes, you will. Chinese know it, they are clever, and they are cleverer. They also think centuries and millennia not short or even long term goals.