SS Amp Designer by Reputation

It looks like I'm going to try my first solid state amp soon. Looking for used < $3k. I've seen many brands here like Krell Jeff Roland, Pass, PS Audio, etc. Frankly, I don't have time to read endless reviews or discussion threads and auditioning before I purchase is out of the question.

So, is there a consensus on the top 3 manufacturers/designers that I can focus on when shopping? I will certainly end up selling it and trying something else anywho so, it's not important that I'll nail it on my first try. I just want to make sure my first purchase is close to the bulls eye.

Once I get the three brands, I'll do my research on a particular model from there.

Marantz reference series and or rogue audio are my preferences....very happy with both my pm14s1 and sphinx v2...
I'd pounce on the Pass X30.5 on here right now for 2800.  No affiliation to seller....I used to own a X250 fantastic!
@ pawlowski6132 

I've been to Troy have a great audio store nearby if I remember correctly....Audio Dimensions?

Your profile says the LS50s are your current loudspeakers...and as you know, they need lots of good quality power to sound their best.  I'm going to make a recommendation that is a little counter to those already made...a new amp from a brilliant designer which you can try for 30+ days and return if its not your cup of tea.  It weighs 18lbs so it won't cost a lot to return and if you look at all the reviews on the company's products you will see praise that notes things like combines the best of tube and solid state.

I own this amp (the 2Cherry) so like others, I'm speaking from my own experience.  Here is a link...and I see the company is having a summer sale so I'm pretty sure that if you email them , you will find that the price is $300+ lower than the normal retail well under your $3k budget depending on the version you choose.

Here is a link to the most recent review I've seen of one of their products...and on their home page, they have many links to others.

Here is a link to their audio circle page...lots of interesting reading here.

Good Luck