What is the best BNC Digital Cable under $4,000?

I'm looking at the Synergistic Research Galileo UEF Digital BNC. As well as the Wave High Fidelity Cable and the High Fidelity Reveal BNC and the Black Cat Tron Ditial Cables, respectively.  What do you consider the best Digital BNC cable under $4K?
To the OP,  I would move up to Digit 75. To the several folks that say it’s only carrying ones and zeroes please cut open the cable and tell me if 1’s and 0’s fall out. Digital cable is carrying analog electrical pulses that represent digital.
To the several folks that say it’s only carrying ones and zeroes please cut open the cable and tell me if 1’s and 0’s fall out. Digital cable is carrying analog electrical pulses that represent digital.

>>>>That’s so true. CDs don’t contain 1s and 0s either. The laser reading process is strictly analog. I.e., it’s not only the sequence of reflections and non reflections that’s important but also the length of each, which varies, both of which are predetermined. It’s a little complicated. The conversion to a digital stream occurs downstream. So, whoever said timing is critical is correct.
I fell in LOVE with the Grover Huffman: Pharaoh!

Triode Wire Labs: Spirit 75 I'd also VERY GOOD!

These of course; referring to integration with my components:
Simaudio Moon 260D(T) to Schiit Gungnir Multibit DAC.

A lot of the reputable Cable Vendors have a good exchange/trial policy.
Test and keep the cables that are the right sound for you.

A four thousand dollar digital cable for preserving an unimprovable sequence of 1s and 0s,  You guys are hilarious.  Thanks for the entertainment.
Maybe those who can hear changes in quality data cables, sending binary have superior hearing to the guy who spends $50 for cable..

If you can hear a difference and have the extra $1000s laying around for cables, that also means you are a real audiophile with superior senses.

How good an audiophile can you afford to be? How good can you afford to hear?

Hate to be sarcastic but the hobby is not served well by all the BS..

Some of the decline since the 1980s is due to this ridiculousness, imho..

Its a really strange new science.. The deeper the pockets, the better the ability to hear fine details in digital cables. Who would have guessed there is a relationship?