Tariffs and sky high audio prices.

With the Chinese tariffs taking hold on 100% of the imports and maybe even on Mexico forthcoming, the audio industry is going to see another big jump in their sky high prices. Anyone making purchases ASAP to get lower prices from existing inventory before post tariff products enter the marketplace?

The silenced voices you refer to on those sites were Nazis, white supremacists, and radical nut jobs who used the platforms to incite hate and foment violence against others not like them, as well as using the sites as recruiting platforms. 

It's one thing to speak a point of view on a subject and another to force it on a society. These jerks wouldn't be around if we were still in the years following WWII. Returning GIs would have solved the problem for us and no one would have objected. 

They would have been found in alleys, dumpsters, landfills and floating face down in a river. If they survived, they would have woken up in a hospital breathing through a scab. There are not fine people on both sides.

All the best,
Of course the media is going to try and send us into a panic and report how bad this is going to be for Americans. They're good at giving us the bad news.

I remember some other forum years back with a discussion about cables. Monoprice was mentioned and praised for how it sounded just as good as those "overpriced" cables like Blue Jean.

Well the owner of Blue Jean chimed in and explained how Monoprice was selling a finished product for cheaper than he could get the raw materials!

That's the point of the tariff - to give smaller companies like Blue Jean a fighting chance.
If you consider words actions then yes, if not - anyone can say anything, Nazi or not.
Every policy has its winners and losers.

Who is going to give the vast numbers of relatively poor, and perhaps also a fair chunk of the middle class, who already cannot make ends meet legally in many cases, a fighting chance when prices at Walmart go up?

Many would say poverty and the crime and other social dysfunction that goes with it is public enemy #1.

Unfortunately the Mom and Pop stores Walmart ran off aren’t coming back... they will continue to operate at a disadvantage no matter where the goods come from.

Much harder to turn back the clock than to move forward.....
If you consider words actions then yes, if not - anyone can say anything, Nazi or not.
The point is they were going beyond mere words. They were doxing people, showing up and threatening them, and encouraging others like them to do the same. It's that type of stochastic terrorism that'll get the knuckle draggers to actually commit the physical act, while those giving voice to such crap hide behind the 1st ammendment, saying, "It wasn't me!"

All the best,