Shouting "fire" in a crowded theater when there is no fire is not protected speech. Shouting "fire" in a crowded theater when there is a fire is heroic. If you demonstrably believed there to be a fire, that is also protected. Same word, same test for reasonableness. Hating on idiots, within reason, is ok (if not expected). Hating on people because of religion, race, ethnicity or other reasonable human difference is unfortunate and requires higher scrutiny.
Now if someone is inciting or intending to incite violence or a call to action to harm or otherwise harass others, and he is certain that the Clintons, the Bushes and the Bilderbergers conspired and brainwashed his dog into convincing the Federal Reserve to cut rates right after he purchased his new monster truck with the confederate flag graphics on a 96 month 100% note and that the additional interest he has to pay could have gone toward his Marlboro and high fidelity fuse budget then that is not typically free speech. (by the way, it was me who brainwashed the dog)
Maybe I’m mistaken though. The typical monster truck purchaser understands the capital markets far too well to confuse the connection, surely he would have purchased puts on LIBOR in advance of making such a wise purchase. Jokes aside, hating on others, be it tube, solid state, skin color, religious affiliation (or the lack thereof) is just a clear display of a lack of intelligence and compassion. The higher being with whom I speak on a daily basis doesn’t teach this, She teaches free will but inspires me to stay in my lane.
Shouting "fire" in a crowded theater when there is no fire is not protected speech. Shouting "fire" in a crowded theater when there is a fire is heroic. If you demonstrably believed there to be a fire, that is also protected. Same word, same test for reasonableness. Hating on idiots, within reason, is ok (if not expected). Hating on people because of religion, race, ethnicity or other reasonable human difference is unfortunate and requires higher scrutiny.
Now if someone is inciting or intending to incite violence or a call to action to harm or otherwise harass others, and he is certain that the Clintons, the Bushes and the Bilderbergers conspired and brainwashed his dog into convincing the Federal Reserve to cut rates right after he purchased his new monster truck with the confederate flag graphics on a 96 month 100% note and that the additional interest he has to pay could have gone toward his Marlboro and high fidelity fuse budget then that is not typically free speech. (by the way, it was me who brainwashed the dog)
Maybe I’m mistaken though. The typical monster truck purchaser understands the capital markets far too well to confuse the connection, surely he would have purchased puts on LIBOR in advance of making such a wise purchase. Jokes aside, hating on others, be it tube, solid state, skin color, religious affiliation (or the lack thereof) is just a clear display of a lack of intelligence and compassion. The higher being with whom I speak on a daily basis doesn’t teach this, She teaches free will but inspires me to stay in my lane.