Worth of current system

I just did a tally of the cost of my current components.
I wonder if anybody has done the same and wants to reveal.
My total came to around $18,000
For big jumps I think you should at least double the cost, unless you are very lucky. 

Truth be told I thought long and hard about the appropriateness before I posted the thread, and even tried to delete it after second thoughts to no avail.

You don’t change components every year, only every three?

i haven’t changed most of mine in decades. 

Almost all of my stuff is vintage, little of it is available today. 

If if I went with replacement value to get similar quality sound, I’d guess $150,000. But I paid a small fraction of that. 
On another note, regarding the responses which have been posted thus far: My perception has been that the median of the figures that have been provided is significantly less than might be expected, given all the talk that goes on here about extremely expensive components, cables, and tweaks. Which is interesting, it seems to me.

Perhaps those with with mid six figure systems don’t want to attract the opprobrium that would be dumped on them for posting 😏
In the spirit of Al's reasoning for this post's existence -

My primary system which has remained unchanged for over 6 years now cost about $25000. More than enough for me I think. I realize I can make changes, but not necessarily improvements, and I decided some time ago to direct this 'audio based' hobby to music exploration and collection. Some thing that I find less frustrating and far more rewarding.  Highly recommended.  :-)