Acoustic treatment

I want to build my own bass traps and was wondering if there are any other alternatives to fiberglass and rokwool. Foam is not a consideration as I don't believe it has the necessary qualities for absorption. I have heard of cotton batting, does anyone have experience with this material. The idea of fiberglass makes me itch just thinking about it, but I'm resigned to using it or rokwool if that's all I have.  Please make suggestions and let me know your experiences.

In the case of the wretched CD there are two reason why bass response is really rather wimpy and apparently rolled off and otherwise unimpressive. It’s because of the two problems I have been pointing out of late regarding (1) scattered background laser light getting into the photodetector and (2) the fluttering, wobbly and vibratory nature of the CD itself that forces the laser servo mechanism such as it is to work overtime trying to keep the bloody laser on track. The geometry involved with how the laser reads the nanoscale data is extremely susceptible to vibration of the disc.
Geoffkait, just throw the CD's away and download all your music in MP3 files. That should be perfect for you. Your ear works just like any other microphone. It detects minute changes in pressure. In your case you might want to clean the wax out first. In the office we use a waterpick for that. 1 part hot water to 1 part  peroxide. Careful not to squirt your eye:)
Ya don’t get what I’m saying here. Look, it’s not rocket science. All you have to do, gentle readers, is compare the cassette version of almost any record with the CD version. Or the LP version. All will become clear.
@theaudiotweak , are the synergistic research acoustic art (bowls) similar to what you are talking about?  I experienced these firsthand and they definitely worked.  Crazy stuff...

@noble100 , do sba work better in treated rooms?
@noble100, Correction, does a DBA system, or a SBA too, sound better in a treated room compared to an untreated room?

And... what is a DBA?