What’s your vote for the most ridiculous, overpriced, and useless tweak?

My vote: Furutech Outlet Cover 105 NCF $220, with “special crystalline material that has two “active” properties.” https://www.thecableco.com/outlet-cover-105-ncf.html

After all of the great examples of absurd tweaks in this chain, I notice you haven’t budged on your position one iota...which appears to be, don’t dare express skepticism about a $4,800 record clamp made of rare wood from the swamps of Africa without first doing an A/B test.  My way, and it’s probably more personality based than anything, is to just consider it baloney (no offense intended toward lunch meats or pigeons).  

Even after 40 years of audio, my “credibility” should of course still be suspect, entirely your call.  But one thing I have learned (the hard way) that you might consider, is this: it’s just a hobby, so lighten up. You’ll find it’s far more enjoyable.

The pursuit of excellence is a big part of this hobby, believe me I get that. My point is that there is a line where this pursuit ends and hucksterism begins, and that (maybe) there’s some humor there. Most have taken this in the spirit it was offered which is heartening, and many of the examples make mine seem almost reasonable by comparison.  
I read with interest all that is here. The hardest thing to parse is the psychological NEED to hear that it is "better" after spending $$$.
I like DILL; the manufacturer's friend....

It’s all good. I get your point ‘there is a line where this pursuit ends and hucksterism begins’. 
Blu-Tack re-usable adhesive. If you liked play-doh you'll love this stuff. Maybe OK for posters but not for speakers as advertised in a mid-fi catalog.